The ideal and slim body is a dream for many women, which is why many people resort to body sculpting procedures in Turkey after trying exhausting diets or tough, difficult exercise in pursuit of this slim figure. These procedures take a lot of time and effort but are ultimately futile. However, with Istanbul Plus Clinic, you can achieve a slender body in the easiest way through body sculpting surgery in Turkey, as it is the safest and easiest solution to rebuild an ideal body and highlight the aesthetic features that everyone who dreams of a slim figure desires.
Body Sculpting Techniques in Turkey
Istanbul Plus Clinic uses several techniques for body sculpting, both surgical and non-surgical, and these used techniques are as follows:
Laser sculpting technique is one of the modern techniques used in body sculpting operations. This technique is characterized by precision and effectiveness in sculpting the desired body.
It involves using a device that emits laser beams at a specific frequency, which works to dissolve localized fat and sculpt the body in the desired shape. The 4D laser sculpting technique is the most advanced technique, allowing people to sculpt their bodies in Turkey and get rid of excess fat quickly and accurately.
This is done by using the 4D laser, which simultaneously sculpts the body in the desired way, giving people immediate and stunning results. Cryosculpting is another technique used in body sculpting operations.
A device is applied to the areas where excess fat is to be suctioned and sculpted for a period of time in vertical and horizontal directions, allowing the breakdown of excess fat and tightening of body sagging. It should be noted that this type of sculpting requires several sessions to achieve ideal results in fully sculpting the body. Necessary Conditions for Body Sculpting Surgery in Turkey
Body sculpting surgery requires some necessary conditions to ensure optimal results and minimize potential risks, including:
The interested person's weight must be less than 30% of their ideal weight. The person must be 20 years old or older to be eligible for the surgical procedure. The person should be in good health and free from any health conditions that hinder the operation, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
The person should not take any medications that may interfere with the operation, so the doctor should be informed of any medications the person is using. Candidates for the procedure must be confident in their ability to adhere to post-operative care instructions, including wound care, following a balanced diet, and exercising.
Stages of Body Sculpting Procedure in Turkey
The body sculpting technique in Turkey involves easy and detailed stages carried out by specialized clinics in cooperation with the medical team. These stages include:
- Stage One: Clinical Examination: In this stage, the areas needing the procedure are identified, and the detailed steps are explained to the patient interested in undergoing the procedure.
- Stage Two: Necessary Examinations: Laboratory tests are conducted to ensure the patient's health before the procedure, including blood tests and other analyses.
- Stage Three: Sterilization and Anesthesia: The body is completely sterilized to avoid infection, and the patient is anesthetized.
- Stage Four: Body Sculpting: Small incisions are made and localized fat is removed from the body. The body is then sculpted and shaped according to the desired form. The doctor chooses the most suitable technique for the case and desired body shape. Surgical incisions are closed, and medical dressings and compression garments are applied for a specific period.
- Stage Five: The final stage involves post-operative follow-up. The medical team closely monitors the person's condition after the body sculpting procedure in Turkey to ensure no complications arise and that the person recovers well. Patients are then provided with recommendations for maintaining the results of the procedure, such as advice on diet, maintaining ideal weight, daily exercise, and eliminating poor eating habits that may affect the final results of the body sculpting procedure.
Why do women want body sculpting in Turkey?
All women strive for a perfectly balanced body. To achieve this, each person has different methods. While some follow strict diets and exhausting exercise programs, others benefit from the magical effects and cost of body sculpting in Turkey. In both cases, women want to maintain their youthful and beautiful appearance.
The body sculpting in Turkey helps women achieve the look they desire, as the procedure can help create a slim waist, slender arms, curvy hips, and a more beautiful body. However, different procedures or non-surgical treatments are chosen in each case. Depending on the woman's shape, the doctor will offer specific options, including methods like fat suction and injection, fillers, and other non-surgical options. Patients then make the final decision based on their needs.
Tips after undergoing a body sculpting procedure
After undergoing a body sculpting procedure in Turkey, the patient should be aware of the cost, which has become accessible to many people worldwide due to its popularity.
Although the cost of this procedure in Turkey is very reasonable compared to developed countries, several factors should be considered when calculating the cost. For example, fat suction from the buttocks costs more than fat suction from the neck and face, and larger amounts must be paid for body parts that are difficult to sculpt, such as the cheeks and chin. To maintain the desired results of the procedure, it is essential to follow the advice of Istanbul Plus Clinic and regularly visit the medical center.
The cost of body contouring surgery in Turkey
In general, the cost of body contouring surgery in Turkey depends on many factors such as the location of the clinic, the surgeon's experience, and the type of procedure required. In addition, the number of sessions required to achieve the desired results may affect the final cost of the procedure.
However, many medical centers and clinics specializing in body contouring procedures are available in Turkey at competitive prices and high quality. Financing options are also available to cover the cost of the procedure in some medical centers.
The patient should keep in mind that price is not the only important factor in choosing the location of the procedure, and medical centers with a good reputation and experience of a specialist physician in this field should be sought to achieve the desired results and avoid any possible complications.
In general, the cost of body contouring surgery in Turkey depends on many factors such as the location of the clinic, the surgeon's experience, and the type of procedure required. In addition, the number of sessions required to achieve the desired results may affect the final cost of the procedure.
However, many medical centers and clinics specializing in body contouring procedures are available in Turkey at competitive prices and high quality. Financing options are also available to cover the cost of the procedure in some medical centers.
The patient should keep in mind that price is not the only important factor in choosing the location of the procedure, and medical centers with a good reputation and experience of a specialist physician in this field should be sought to achieve the desired results and avoid any possible complications.